Exclusive Insight Into The Keynote Session By AR Sonali Rastogi On The Surat Diamond Bourse

By wadeasia 4 January, 2024

The keynote session at WADE ASIA featured an enlightening presentation by Ar Sonali Rastogi on The Surat Diamond Bourse one of her celebrated projects. It’s a rare occurrence for a project to garner attention from 300 global media outlets, making it a truly remarkable achievement.

Ar Sonali Rastogi Founding Partner, Morphogenesis, Delhi

In contrast to many other projects designed by Morphogenesis, Surat Diamond Bourse adopted a metric-based approach, spanning an impressive 7 million square feet and incorporating stringent high-security measures. Notably, it facilitates the seamless commute of 65,000 individuals to their workplaces in less than 7 minutes. This colossal building, which now stands as India’s largest office building and the world’s largest for diamond traders, has been meticulously designed to cater to the unique lifestyle and business practices of this influential community.

The keynote session by Ar Sonali Rastogi on The Surat Diamond Bourse

Throughout her presentation, Ar Rastogi held the undivided attention of her audiences at WADE ASIA who were eager to learn more about this exceptional endeavor. She emphasized that the project serves as the cornerstone of Surat’s ambitious ‘Dream City’, highlighting the immense impact of community vision and collaboration.

Ar. Rastogi presenting one of her celebrated projects at WADE ASIA 2023